Monday, May 11, 2020

The View from the Bottom Rail Essay - 703 Words

The View from the Bottom Rail In today’s society, racism and stereotyping occur in every aspect of life. No one should ever take anything for face value before they examine it first. In reading the narrative, â€Å"The View from the Bottom Rail† by James Davidson and Mark Lytle and â€Å"Frederick Douglasss Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas† by Harold Bloom. I became very aware on how American history can be looked at as one sided or bias. Even in today’s society, there is still a lot of biasness presented in American history that is told when it is related to the history of slavery. For us to understand history, we must enable ourselves to look deeper into the articles and examine the prejudices and the source†¦show more content†¦One example is the geographic bias that people that were interviewed were only a very small portion of the millions of freed slaves. In the article, Bloom also states that most of the black slaves could not read or write and the o nes that did, hid it from their masters. Slave owners felt the less the slaves knew the better off the owner would be. If the slaves were able to read and write the slave would then realize they were equal to his master and would question why his master has the right to enslave him. Douglas stated this saying, â€Å"The more I read the more I was led to abhor and detest my enslaves.† When Douglas learned to read and write, he looked at everything differently. He saw everything as an equal citizen and not as a slave. He then began to envy the illiterate slaves because they did not completely understands the terrible conditions in which they lived and how slave owners were writing history books about them. Douglas decided to break away from the ignorance and became a historian that educated himself and shared his life story to be told through his own words and not by others. We as knowledge seekers must carefully consider different aspects of each article of history and not ma ke the mistake of believing everything we read in order to fully understand an article about our history. We must understand the author that wrote it and interviews that have taken place. This will enable us to look deeperShow MoreRelated The View from the Bottom Rail Essay1410 Words   |  6 PagesThe View from the Bottom Rail The Lewinsky Scandal†¦ A perfect example as to why we cannot accept everything at face value before carefully examining it first. Everyone thought President Clinton was behaving himself in the White House, but, as it turns out, he was most definitely not. This can be the same for history. We must carefully consider different aspects of articles so that we do no make the mistake of believing everything we read. 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