Saturday, November 9, 2019

Establish a Cooperative Socio Moral Atmosphere Essay

Reflections on Readings and Class Discussion: After reading the two articles, connecting them to the socio moral principle in a statement would be; for a child to have an established cooperative socio moral atmosphere, they need to be given the opportunity and resources in a safe environment to build and create as well as be taught positive social skills, and acquire a genuine and heart felt way to show their respect. First day of kindergarten video: The teacher did not have a classroom type D, she was very in tune with her authority over the children in the way she often told them what to do and how to do it. For example, she called the children’s attention to take roll and told the children specifically hands in your lap, eyes on me, say here when I call your name. Some children listen better while they are playing or their hands are busy which this teacher’s classroom would not take into account. Another example would be there was a teacher’s assistant who was just doing a child’s work for them, rather than helping them do it themselves. Creating Classroom Rules Video: this video was the very opposite of the first video. The teacher engaged the students and wanted their opinions and thoughts about what the classroom rules should be, but at the same time she was facilitating and not telling any child they were wrong, instead she put some ideas into new phrasing for it to make more sense. Also, the example in class about church in a heteronomous vs. autonomous relationships explains well how those who have come to see church how their parents did and it became a part of them continued to go, on the other hand those who went because they had to or did so to make their parents happy did not find a connection with what they learned and when they lived on their own decided to not go anymore. Evidenced in the CDLL Classroom Blogs: 10/24/12 The Maple room was busy as usual. Real pieces of wood and nails were new this week and the children showed quite an interest! They took turns hammering the nails into the wood and then prying them back out. The children also used materials from the Maple room to construct train tracks! In the Pine room, a continuing theme was working at a restaurant. Children and teachers sat at the table while children took orders. The orders were placed and they began to cook the meals. Some of the â€Å"daily specials† included pizza with onions, mushrooms and cucumbers, soup, hamburgers and root beer. All of the children worked together to make the restaurant run smoothly!! Evidence in CDLL Daily Documentation: 10/3/12 After our discussion, I had a table set up with measuring cups and spoons, bowls, dry and wet ingredients, leveling sticks and spoons for stirring.

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