Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Aids ) - 1381 Words

Infectious disease has been the kryptonite to mankind. There is a large variety from regular flus to internally damaging diseases, and Ebola and HIV/Aids fall into the categories as one of the tougher diseases. Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the earlier stages of aids, it is a virus that either destroys or impairs the functions of the immune system cells. The last stage of HIV is the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) which is when the immune system is defenseless to normal infections which now can be deadly. Ebola generally does the same thing as HIV/Aids, it attacks the immune system initially as that is one of their similarities. Ebola and Aids also have very key differences in their similarities such as ways these diseases are spread, Ebola is a direct killer while Aids is an indirect killer, and how early each disease shows symptoms. These diseases can best be controlled through having prevention plans in place when a new viral disease does arise by isolation and i deally to prevent rather than cure. Economic analysis can help make a choice between alternatives but depending on the motives of the decision maker, I feel economic analysis is not the way to go because it does not consider equalising the risks across spreading resources. Ebola and HIV/AIDs are similar diseases but they have key differences. Ebola is spread from the contact of bodily fluids, so is HIV but more strictly through breastmilk, blood, or sexual intercourse. This would suggest EbolaShow MoreRelatedThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Aids ) Essay2117 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is coming from a subgroup of retrovirus called Lentivirus which causes HIV infection leading to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) later on among humans. AIDS is a human condition which progresses to the failure of the immune system, causing life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Treatments can be given, but without those, survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtypeRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Aids ) Essay1235 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction At the end of 2011, an estimated 1.2 million people aged 13 and older were living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that approximately 50,000 people are newly infected with HIV each year (CDC, 2013). Fortunately, after more than 30 years of research on HIV, much progress has been made in fighting this disease. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) transformed what was once a death sentence intoRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Aids ) Essay2084 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is from a sub group from retrovirus called Lentivirus which causes HIV infection leading to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a human condition which progresses to the failure of the immune system causing life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Without treatment, survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending in the HIV subtype. Vital cells in the human immune system such asRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Aids )1765 Words   |  8 PagesThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus Degie Gelaw American Sentinel University The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are public health threats that require comprehensive, organized, and evidence-based control and prevention programs. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine formerly known as the Institute of Medicine (IOM) appointed a 19-member multidisciplinary expert council to study the emergence of microbial threats to health and publishedRead MoreHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) / Aids1278 Words   |  6 PagesHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS is a pandemic problem affecting global health. At the end of 2015, 36.7 million people were living with HIV/AIDS globally. The rate of incidence is more prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa with almost 1 in every 24 adults living with HIV/AIDS. In the united states, HIV/AIDS is a diversified health problem affecting all sexes, ages and races and involving the transmission of multiple risk behavior. However, with the introduction of various prevention programs andRead MoreHuman Immun odeficiency Virus : Hiv And Aids1935 Words   |  8 PagesHuman Immunodeficiency Virus, better known as the acronym HIV is a virus that destroys the immune system and can evolve into an infection. HIV is known a as pandemic because the immune system can fight off the infection but can never clear the HIV out of the body. â€Å"HIV is spread through contact with the blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, or breast milk of a person infected with HIV.† [AIDS] According to AIDS.info, in the United States, the virus is usually contractedRead MoreHiv / Aids : An Acronym For Human Immunodeficiency Virus971 Words   |  4 Pageswith no vaccine or cure. That disease is HIV/AIDS. A disease that is so powerful its position in our society has moved from epidemic to pandemic. In this paper we will explore HIV/AIDS and my one-day journey at one of Delaware County’s largest full service HIV/AIDS providers and how it changed my perspective on the disease a nd the people who carry it. What is HIV/AIDS? HIV is an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus can only attack humans, hence the name, and reproduces by taking overRead MoreThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus ( Hiv ) And Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease ( Aids )1366 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Over the last three decades, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease (AIDS) epidemic has been a public health concern in the United States (US) and globally. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], (2015d) estimates that in the US, over 1.2 million people are living with HIV, of which 12.8% are unaware of their diagnosis. Due to exceptional medical advances in treatment and prevention strategies, a healthier quality of life and longevityRead MoreHiv / Aids Paper : Human Immunodeficiency Virus Essay1835 Words   |  8 PagesJanuary 2016 HIV / AIDS Paper Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that attacks the human immune system, your body’s means of defense. The virus attacks specific viral defense cells, known as CD4+. As the disease spreads and attacks more CD4+ cells, your body no longer maintains its’ ability to fight of infections and diseases which leads to the death of the host. The final stage of HIV is known as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). During this stage of the virus, the host getsRead MoreHiv / Aids ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Human Immune Deficiency )1249 Words   |  5 Pagesintroduction to the topic of HIV/AIDS, (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Human Immune Deficiency) from its early appearance as a deadly communicable disease that causes a viral infection in humans. During the 1960’s the infection was largely due to unprotected sex; the victims contracted the disease mostly due to unprotected sexual contacts from others who already had the virus. It became an epidemic and even pandemic. Those infected eventually died from HIV/AIDS as it came to be known, and there

Monday, December 16, 2019

Kindness Free Essays

For a couple of years now, I have been helping put together thanksgiving dinners for disadvantaged people and families in our community. I started doing this in my sophomore year of high school with one of my classes, Job’s For Maine Graduates. This program or class is all about helping people in need. We will write a custom essay sample on Kindness or any similar topic only for you Order Now When I started this class my teacher asked me to be the vice president and help out a little more. When thanksgiving came around he asked me to help out with this event.A lot of people come to help out, even our principal and Tom Saviello one of our town representatives; always show up to lend a hand. This thanksgiving dinner is held at the Mt. Blue High School Cafeteria, on Thanksgiving Day, it’s free of charge but we do accept donations to help fund more projects we do. We put this together by having students and teachers from our whole school bring in thanksgiving foods like vegetables and pie’s sort of like a food drive, but the grade that brings in the most food gets to pick a teacher that has to kiss a pig.To get the turkeys a few of our local stores donate them and other produce that can be expensive. One of the fun parts is cooking the food, a bunch of highly trained high schoolers ; a few other volunteers and the brains, a group of mom’s and grandmothers come in early to start the cooking . Once we get the food ready we set up the cafeteria with a bunch of decorations and try to make it feel like home as possible My job this year was to serve the food, I think this was the best job I’ve ever had at this event.I liked it because I could see the smiles on every ones face. I loved watching the kids; it’s hard because some of them look like they haven’t eaten in a months. But when they are in line, they say ple ase and thank you and always smile. They also got really excited when reminded that we were serving dessert. This year I felt like there were more people then usual, but everyone was really nice and people treated strangers like family.Usually when we do this event we see a lot of elderly people; it’s not necessarily because they don’t have the money, but more that if they were to make a big meal like this most of it would go to waste or they don’t have them family around because there kids have left home. One family the Allen’s comes every year. They have donated a ton of money but two of their kids have moved out of state and one out of the country, so they save their money and fly them all home for Christmas. I met them the first year I did this, and have seen them every year since.A noticeable difference this year was the amount of younger families that were there. We weren’t sure why, but a lot of the senior citizens like it because it was nice to have kids running around and playing. My teacher thought that it could be due to all the mill closures around us and the lay-offs. This year we had a total of 189 people come, not including our 23 volunteers that helped out. It was one of our biggest turn outs ever. I especially liked this year because of all the kids that were there.It made it feel like one of my thanksgiving dinners were everyone was close and we could play games for hours. My teacher tells my class that we do this to help feed the community but I feel that it’s more than that; I mean I do think that this is great but I also feel that it is to help teach students and the community that by coming together we can accomplish so much more. But after doing this for four years I have realized a few things, one if I ever needed help I would want people to try and do something about it, and two as long as I have what I need to survive I should try and give my extra away. How to cite Kindness, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Women in Policing free essay sample

In order to achieve this goal, it is important for law enforcement agencies to Identify and address the adverse affects of disparate treatment of women in law enforcement. Research on the problem of disparate treatment of women officers In law enforcement follows a specific plan. The research begins with problem formation and a topic outline. The research design is explained in the introduction thesis and the outline defines the research question. The research divides the problem into sub-problems.A cause and effect analysis was chosen to identify the social causes and effects of how the occurrence of disparate treatment of women officers correlates with the subtopics of discrimination, sexual harassment, advancement limits and retention problems. Research objectives were guided by the cause and effect analysis of the problem by utilizing the analysis to formulate research question and hypothesis. The research objectives were guided by a literature review. A hypothesis is advanced about what is expected to happen In the research. The research Is designed to look at the relationship between disparate treatment of women police officers and discrimination, sexual harassment, advancement Limits and retention problems. This research Is designed to assess the hypothesis, Women police officers experience disparate treatment. This research accepts certain critical assumptions. The assumptions as the foundation of the research is as follows, This research is designed to assess the hypothesis that women police officers experience disparate treatment. To understand the implications of these critical assumptions for theory and research, experiences and attitudes of sample groups of male and women officers were explored. A method and content analysis of survey data revealed conclusions which supported the hypothesis. Implications of the research of disparate treatment of women police officers will be discussed in the report findings ND discussion. LITERATURE REVIEW This discussion incorporates other researchers views with a dialogue of how the literature review relates to the research being conducted. The research methodology will conceptualize the disparate treatment of women officers in law enforcement. Specific research procedures, such as survey questions, were developed which resulted in empirical observations representing those concepts in the real world. The literature review provides a detailed identification of the overall relevance to existing research as it relates to empirical research of the adverse affects associated tit disparate treatment of women officers in law enforcement.The harms of under representation of women in policing include discrimination, sexual harassment, advancement limits, retention problems, damaged community relations, ineffective response to violence against women, and the excessive force complaints that accompany a void of women in policing. In order to discuss the current status of women in law enforcement, it is important to review the history of women in the profession. Law enforcement has traditionally been a male dominated field ever sinc e the mid-19th century and has been slow to accept women into its ranks.Women in policing make up less than 15 percent of all police officers in the United States (Harrington 2001). Women face many obstacles, and yet have brought about changes in policing. The Jobs available to policewomen were limited until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (Essen 1999). In the early sasss, law enforcement agencies only hired men as police officers. This was a result of societys view that women were not fit to be police officers (Harrington and Lindsay 2006). In 1971 women accounted for only 1. 4 percent of all police officers. Today women in policing make up more than 13 recent of police officers. Women have made progress in their numbers in recent years but women are still underrepresented in all ranks in policing and women face many obstacles. The Supreme Court applied Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to law enforcement in 1972. Agencies could be sued for discriminating against qualified women. In some cases, the courts issued consent decrees which forced agencies to hire qualified women. Many law enforcement agencies used height and weight limits to prevent women from meeting the qualifications until the courts struck down this practice in 1977 in Dotard vs.. Rawlins. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (ICP) conducted a survey and found that women in policing are both underused and undervalued in law enforcement. While they said that the number of women in policing is growing and progressing through the ranks, it also revealed that there are too few women in law enforcement, woman police officers still face recruiting women, woman police officers face advancement limits, sexual harassment still occurs in many departments, there are few mentoring programs for female officers and women make valuable contributions to community policing.In 2001 the National Center for Women and Policing did a survey of police agencies with more than 100 officers. They found that women make up only 12. 7 percent of police officers. Even these numbers do not paint an accurate picture because only the nations largest police agencies were surveyed and these agencies have the highest percentages of women in policing. The Bis Uniform Crime Report (CUR), which surveyed most of the U. S. Police agencies, including agencies with less than 100 officers, said that in 2003, only 1 1. 4 percent of the police officers were women. FBI, Crime in the United States, 2003). The I-JAR data showed that the majority of the police agencies FBI did not employ any women in policing whatsoever in 2003. In 2001 the National Center for Women and Policing (NCSC) said that a survey of police agencies with more than 100 officers found that women make up only 9. 6 percent of supervisory positions (sergeants and lieutenants) and Just 7. 3 percent of top command spots (captains and above). Women make up about 1 percent (about 200 or so) of this nations police chiefs and sheriffs (Dorothy Schultz 2004).The hiring and selection practices of police agencies create obstacles for women in policing. The selection processes can favor men because they place greater emphasis on an applicants physical strength (Harrington 2001). In the scope of the essential functions of a police officer, research has shown that the current standards, hiring and selection practices in connection with recruitment of police officers, that verbal and mediation skills have more bearing on performance as a police officer than physical ability (Spiller 2000).Because men have an advantage in terms of upper body strength, the small percentage of women in the police profession can partly be attributed to the biased recruiting practices that place a high value on these factors. Studies have found that 60-70% of women officers experienced sexual harassm ent but only about 4-6% ever reported it (Harrington 2001). The lack of reporting could be attributed to retaliation that occurs when women report it (Harrington 2001).This is a form of discrimination that has the result of low retention rates for women officers, and results in a low advancement rate of women police officers (Harrington 2001). Sexual harassment and the stress resulting from it are the two main reasons women cost often give for leaving their law enforcement careers (Lindsay 2006). The high incidence of sexual and gender harassment is an indicator of how men are less than accepting of women as police officers.The term glass ceiling refers to the inability of women to easily advance beyond entry level positions within a police department. Traditionally, white males have had access to advancement over females. Women in law enforcement face discrimination based on preconceived beliefs that women are not cut out to be police officers. Women have to work harder to get into specialty assignment positions such as SWAT or to promote to supervisory positions. This can lead to frustration, giving up and quitting the profession altogether.Women police officers are proven to be capable, women officers are less likely to use excessive force, women officers have proven effective in community-oriented policing, women officers provide an effective response to violence against women and increasing the (Harrington 2001). Women police officers are effective in responding to female victims of violence. Violence against women, including domestic violence and sexual assault, requires an effective and sensitive response from law enforcement. The ICP has estimated that more than 40 percent of all calls for police service are related to domestic violence.It has been suggested that women police officers enhance an agencys ability to respond effectively to violence against women. Research has indicated that women are better at defusing and De-escalating potentially violent confrontations (Lindsay 2006). Female victims of domestic violence are sometimes reluctant to call the police because they believe that the officers will side with the male half of the domestic incident. WAC Los Angels: October 1993), Studies have shown that female police officers are more likely to show sympathy and understanding to successfully handle domestic violence incidents.A 1985 study shoed that woman officers were more involved in domestic violence calls and more convinced of the importance of responding to family fights as a critical police duty (Woman Kennedy 1985). Increasing the number of women in policing could encourage female victims of violence to report incidents to the police. Community relations problems require a trend toward a more communicative and cooperative immunity oriented policing model. Community policing is a policing approach that promotes community, gover nment, and police partnerships. It utilizes proactive problem solving to address crime, social disorder and neighborhood problems. It shifts the focus of police work from a reactive approach to solving ongoing community problems. The emphasis on community policing requires police officers with problem-solving and communication skills so they can interact effectively with all segments of the public. Several researchers have concluded that women tend to be effective communicators, and good problem solvers. Hiring more women in policing, retaining them, and promoting them will help police departments succeed in community policing.Regarding violence, it is important to point out that research has shown that women officers use on a policing style that uses less physical force and is less confrontational than that used by male officers. Women officers are less likely to use excessive violence or police brutality. The Independent Commission on the Los Angels Police Department (1991) concluded that gender bias contributed substantially to excessive-force problems on the LAP. Women in policing face rudder in connection with organizational and social obstacles that are difficult to overcome.One obstacle for women is the biased attitude from males who resist accepting women in policing. This is evident in the high incidence of discrimination, sexual harassment, retention problems and limited advancement of qualified applicants (Harrington 2001). Associations have come up to support woman police officers. The organizations include, the International Association of Women Police (PAW), the National Association of Women Law Enforcement Executives (NEWLY), the National Center for Women and Policing (NCSC), and Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFE), to name a few.These organizations provide information, guidance, and support to female officers and those considering entering the profession. These four associations have gone out to educate police administrators, politicians, the media, and the public about the benefits of increasing the number of communities they serve and women should be equally represented to deal with the community challenges that face law enforcement today. Woman officers have positive traits and proven law enforcement capability which is why it is important to provide an equal playing field for women in law enforcement.METHODOLOGY Surveys were administered to a sample group of male and women police officers identifying a relationship between variables, examining multiple factors such as, discrimination, sexual harassment, retention and advancement limits. The results will incorporate facts, predictions and hypotheses. A strategy to collect data with procedures for giving out the survey included selecting male and women officers, providing instructions to participants, establishing data collection procedures and a sampling method. The subjects were contacted by email with a single, unrepeated revue, administered by the researcher.A proportionate number of male and women officers to the total percentage of male and women officers were sampled to examine relationships between the gender based groups. Data was collected and interpreted in an attempt to resolve the problem that initiated the research: the adverse affects of the disparate treatment of women officers in law enforcement. Data, in the form of numbers and statistics, was collected, prepared, processed and analyzed using quantitative analysis. Data, in the form of numbers and statistics, was analyzed using quantitative analysis. The data was interpreted to test hypotheses and conclusions made about the data.Conclusions were made based upon what the data revealed. The final report addresses conclusions related to future theory and research formation. Information gained from research may open new avenues of research to find additional answers to assess the hypothesis that disparate treatment of women officers in law enforcement results in discrimination, sexual harassment, advancement limits and retention problems. The selection of the survey respondents, the target population and the sample size was based upon a preventative sample of police officers from a single law enforcement agency with over 100 officers.The decision about the sample size was based on factors such as: time available, budget and necessary degree of precision. Quantitative questions were assigned to each study participant for each variable. Methods of observation involved reliability and validity as tests to establish the credibility of the observations. Survey questions were designed to be reliable and valid measures. Questions were reliable, providing consistent measures, and valid, answers correspond to what they were intended to measure.There were basically three steps to the improvement of validity of subjective measures: the questions were made as reliable as possible by dealing with ambiguity of wording, standardized presentation, and vagueness in response form, and everything possible was done to get questions that will mean the same thing to all respondents. After preparing the survey, it was given it to a sample group of police officers who were asked to pre-test it and provide feedback. Changes were made to refine it based upon feedback, ensuring consistent meaning to all respondents. Survey questions were designed to obtain ordinal data.The distribution of people choosing a particular label or category was based upon a five- to understand the research the data was measured with the Liker scale. The Liker scale measured a group of 12 questions that were designed to measure a single concept; Women police officers experience disparate treatment. The questions were designed to gauge attitudes toward whether the respondents believe that women police officers experience disparate treatment in the subcategories of discrimination, sexual harassment, advancement limits and retention problems. There were three questions from each of the categories. In the analysis of survey data, relationships between specific subtopics were looked at by ransacking the data. Identifying these relationships between specific topics and the gender characteristics of respondents for an evaluation helped identify which segments changed the most. This process enabled the researcher to identify patterns among the items showing significant relationships. A cover letter was included with the survey clearly stating the intentions of the research. A brief statement explaining why the information was being collected and the respondents were reassured that the information is anonymous.The only specific information collected was the gender of the respondent at the end of the questionnaire. To ensure that valid survey results were collected, instructions were included on how to answer the survey questionnaire. This research was conducted from January 2008 to May 2008 and surveyed a single law enforcement agency of 230 officers. To avoid the reality and appearance of bias, all contact with the agency was designed to be both persistent and consistent. In order to meet these two goals, the following implementation plan was followed. A cover letter and survey questionnaire was given to the Chief of Police of the PoliceDepartment in March 2008. Approval was obtained from the Chief of Police for buy in and to conduct the survey. The surveys were distributed through interoffice mail and returned directly to the researcher. The demographics of the agency consists of 200 male officers and 30 female officers with 87 percent of the officers are male and 13 percent of the officers are female. .8 percent of the officers are supervisors (sergeants) and there are no female command level officers or supervisors above the rank of sergeant. There were 83 responses which included 72 male survey responses and 11 female survey responses.The percentage of male and female responses was consistent with the ratio of male to female officers. SURVEY FINDINGS A theoretical relationship exists between disparate treatment of women officers and women officer discrimination, sexual harassment, advancement limits and retention problems. Women police officers experience disparate treatment. The research will address and identify the social causes and effects of how the occurrence of disparate treatment of women officers correlates with discrimination, sexual harassment, advancement limits and retention problems. The statement is a hypothesis which established causal connections between concepts by testing the data gathered through natural observation (surveys). KEY FINDINGS Discrimination The majority of both men and women feel the idea that force and strength are required; reinforce a belief that women are unable physically to do the Job as well as face discrimination based on preconceived notions that women are not cut out to be police officers but the majority of male respondents do not feel that women in law enforcement face discrimination because of preconceived beliefs. About 1/3 of male respondents believed strongly that women officers are on an equal playing field tit men in all categories and also believed strongly that force and strength are required and that women are physically unable to do the Job as well as men. This is indicative of the evidence that woman police officers still face discriminatory attitudes from male officers. While most male respondents agreed that force and strength are required and that women are physically unable to do the Job as well as men, most male respondents did not believe that women officers are on an equal playing field with men in all categories.Sexual Harassment The majority of both male and female respondents believe that men in law enforcement experience a workplace environment that is less intimidating than women are likely to experience. ; The majority of female respondents believe that women in law enforcement face discrimination based on preconceived notions that women are not cut out to be police officers while the majority of male respondents do not believe this discrimination exists. Advancement Limits The majority of female respondents believe that women in law enforcement have to work harder than their male counterparts to advance beyond entry-level positions within a department while the majority of male respondents believe it is a level laying field. ; One hundred percent of the female respondents believe that women need to work harder to prove them capable of doing their Job as well as their male counterparts while the majority of male respondents do not believe that women have to work harder to prove themselves.